For Women
Find your wild.
your longing is sacred
To be a woman in our world, is to constantly navigate a barrage of insidious pressures about our worth, value, and place. Our inherited ideas about what it means to be enough leave us empty, confused, and longing.
Be gentle but fierce.
Sexy but modest.
Structured but freeform.
Ambitious but relaxed.
Boundaried but willing.
Direct but coy.
Pious but wild.
It is no wonder we feel a tension between our soulful wild and the demands of a society steeped long and hard in the patriarchy. It leaves many women silenced, filled with rage, or in a rat race they want no part of.
There is a wildness inside of us all that is longing for air.
It is not the feral kind of wild. It’s the wild where she is free to breathe, use her voice, and take up space in the most beautiful and captivating ways. She is able to be who she is without the comparison trap or social media perfection (which is a huge lie, anyway). She leads with her heart, and her passion is contagious. She is a force to be reckoned with because she knows herself and lives from her truth, even when others do not want to hear or see it.
The pathway back to her—to you—is all within.
I have wrestled with the same forces both outside of and within me. My humanness is always at the center of my work. I am someone who knows the heavy toll and weight that the world bears upon women, and you are not walking alone. She is there in the liminal spaces, waiting for you to claim her, to hear her.
If we do not listen to her, who will?
the first steps of therapy 101:
20 Min Consult
If all of this resonates and you’re ready to see if we’re a good fit, reach out with one of the ‘get started’ buttons on any of the pages. Once I’ve received your request, I’ll reach out to schedule a 20-min phone or virtual meet-up so we can determine if we’re a good fit to work together.
Once you decide you’re ready to take the leap, I’ll set up a client profile for you and initiate the paperwork that goes over all of your rights as a client, my office policies, and payment forms. From there, we’ll schedule our first session to meet virtually (thanks, COVID-19).
First session
Your first session can feel daunting, but I promise to make it feel less intense. You will have the space to tell me about what is currently bothering you, what has been building up, and we will begin to outline the pieces of the puzzle that are your life . You can also ask questions if you have any for me and we’ll make a plan for the frequency of our meetings.